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RYL1 Nether Realm Private Server

Welcome to RYL1 Nether Realm, Online 3D game MMORPG, Number 1 Game Server in Malaysia.

RYL1 Nether Realm Info:
Risk Your LifeRisk Your Life, or better known by the acronym RYL is a MMORPG that combines the ease of PvP game with adventure. This game is based on a battle of two races, human and Achan.Stories and GamesThere are two main races, Human, and Achan. Both are divided into respective specialization in the fight.Human ClassRas approaching normal human form. Has many skills that support the game in groups.The race is divided into four specialties, Fighter, Rogue, Mage, and Acolyte. Fighter later developed into Defender and Warrior who has the ability to punch and physical endurance melee better than most other specialties. Rogue agile divided into Archer and Assassin have the ability to sneak and generate tremendous devastation but with low physical endurance. Mage divided into Sorceress and Enchanter give adverse effects to the opponent and damage magic sizeable. Acolyte provide defense assistance from the baseline through Priest and Cleric.Akkan ClassesRas approaching orc legend in the form of a fairy tale. Has a strong ability of individual skill. The race is divided into two gender who specialize, Combatant with male and officiator of the female genital. Combatant have good physical abilities. Like the Templars with great physical defense, attacker with great physical attacks, and Gunner with a long-range attack physically strong. Instead officiator much influenced agility and magical attacks. Shadow officiator have good stealth attack, Life officiator provide assistance to survive great ability, while Rune officiator attack with magical skills.

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